Sunday, 3 October 2010

The Cycling Adventure

Many people in this world like to ride a bicycle. It is a great sport especially for the human muscles. Many people drive a bicycle for a long trip. I will talk about a trip from Abu Dhabi to Al-Ain by bicycle.

It is great adventure to cycle from Abu Dhabi to Al-Ain or other place. There are many steps to do before you move. The first step is that you must check the tire’s air because it’s important to cycle in a perfect wheels. Second step is that you must bring a bag with you that contains water, food, a map, and etc..
Finally you need to get something that make you not bored from the way just like an ipod.

It is very easy to go to Al-Ain if you follow the signs that guide you exactly. The road or the way to Al-Ain is safe, and im sure that those who try this adventure will have hun and will enjoy their time.


  1. Hamad:

    Looks good, now fix the errors and re-save.

    Are you ready to ride to Al AIn??

    The Fox

  2. Hello sir John,
    i really want to ride to Al-Ain and i heard that you go with groups cycling for long distance
    Me and Eid will come with you if you liked us to join

    Hamad ( Chicharito )
